CAMPAIGN: Theatre Depot
OUR GOAL: Contribute to the revitalization of downtown Greeneville by establishing an intimate performance space in the Theatre Depot.
This will allow
- Greater range in scheduling
- Audience seating closer to action
- Educational space for workshops
- On-site rehearsal and set construction
- Eliminate costly rental fees
We believe
That in addition to all of the theatrical advantages, having a vital theatre company with an on-going schedule of activities in Greeneville will contribute to a resurgent downtown.

Our project will provide:
- Repurposed space for performance, lobby, restrooms, dressing rooms, control booth, and scene shop
- Upgraded electrical system
- Flexible audience seating
- Theatrical lighting & sound systems
- Adequate heating & air conditioning
The auditorium at Theatre Depot will not compete with existing venues but complement them, enriching the range of performances available in our community.
Campaign Goal = $500,000
Our new performance space will help invigorate downtown Greeneville as well as provide another opportunity to showcase the performing arts in our area.
One seat = $4,000
Ways to Play Your Role...
Although Greeneville is blessed with large and medium-sized performing spaces, the Theatre Depot will equip our town with an intimate performance space of 100+ seats.
After conferring with architects and engineers and evaluating the costs of various equipment systems, the Greeneville Theatre Guild Board of Trustees has set a Campaign Goal of $250,000.
Your investment will not only make a significant difference in the operations of GTG, it will also make Greeneville a better community in which to live and work.
Multiple Ways to Give
- A single one-time gift
- A monthly or annual pledge over 3 years
- Pool your gift with other friends or family members for a naming opportunity
We look forward to discussing how you will join Greeneville Theatre Guild in Playing a Role in Our Community.
Greeneville Theatre Guild is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contributions are tax deductible.
Theatre Depot will allow us to
- Have greater scheduling options.
- Produce more intimate shows.
- Provide a space in which GTG can conduct workshops and other community events.
- Rehearse and perform in the same space.
- Produce shows more efficiently without reassembling sets at a rental location.
- Substantially reduce costs by eliminating performance facility rental fees.
For Further Information...
The Greeneville Theatre Guild is a 501(c)(3) organization.